Statusuri deranj

1. DND___SUNT In cautarea ELODIEI !!!
2. dnd, dekt dak vrei sa-mi spui k ma iubesti
3. DND… bag cuie in priza!
4. Sunt mai mult decat Stepped Out…sunt si Busy ca I’m on the Phone si chiar nu stiu cand I’m going to Be Right Back!
5. Me no here.
Me good bye.
Leave me message.
Me reply.
6. O sti pe aia cu guma???Sterge-o!!!
7. DND - imi scriu la mate…am o gramada, deci DND!!! Chiar.. ce avem de scris la mate?
8. Hello, welcome to my away message, how may I ignore you today?
9. Brb! Am cazut pe ganduri si mi-am rupt mana!!
10. Care are nevoie de mine BUZZ, BUZZ si iar BUZZ…. k oricum am boxele inchise…

11. sunt la masa ……. mananc seminte
12. DND imi caut gandurile
13. my face is busy…so talk to the hand!!!
14. ce te uiti asa!!!!! nu vezi k n-am status????
15. DND …..under my desk :))
16. BRB in 5 min, bat cuie-n bordura.

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